Consultation fees: Med1 Clinic is a Bulk Billing clinic for most of our doctors and medical services.        Registration Fees: The registration fee is $25.       Please note that consultations with Dr Zahra Tabrizi and Dr Heidi Andersen are only bulk billing for under 16 years old & pension/ health care card holders.    You will need to pay an out-of-pocket fee, which will be vary depending on your consultation. Please call reception on 9191 6454 for more information.

Getting help early for mental illness

April 21, 2021 by med1clinic

Getting help early for mental illness

Do not ignore warning signs of mental illness in a family member, friend or colleague. The sooner the person receives treatment, the better the outcome is likely to be. It will help if you:

  • encourage the person to see a doctor for a mental health assessment
  • make an appointment with the doctor yourself to discuss your concerns and find out what can be done (if the person refuses to see a doctor).

Simple ways to help cope with mental illness

It is important to encourage a sense of structure in the life of a person severely affected by mental illness. You can develop plans to cope on a day-to-day basis, such as:

  • develop predictable routines – for example, regular times to get up and eat. Introduce gradual changes to prevent boredom
  • break tasks into small steps – for example, discuss with the person what steps would help them with daily self-care
  • try to overcome a lack of motivation – for example, encourage and include the person in activities
  • support the person to make decisions – even though it can sometimes be difficult for them to do this and they may keep changing their mind, try to resist the temptation to make the decision for them.

Dealing with disturbed behaviour

It can be difficult to know how to cope when a family member or friend’s behaviour becomes extreme. It is a good idea to try and discuss strategies with the person, and also make contact with healthcare professionals to get advice and support.

Aggressive behaviour

Aggressive or violent behaviour may be associated with psychotic symptoms, or alcohol or drug abuse. In these situations, it is best to involve healthcare professionals immediately. For aggressive behaviour associated with extreme stress, try to develop an atmosphere that is open and relaxed.

Steps for positive mental health:

  • keeping physically active.
  • eating well.
  • drinking in moderation.
  • valuing yourself and others.
  • talking about your feelings.
  • keeping in touch with friends and loved ones.
  • caring for others.
  • getting involved and making a contribution.

five warning signs of mental illness to watch for, especially when you have two or more of these symptoms.

  • Long-lasting sadness or irritability
  • Extremely high and low moods.
  • Excessive fear, worry, or anxiety.
  • Social withdrawal.
  • Dramatic changes in eating or sleeping habits.


After Hours & Emergency Care

If you require after-hours medical attention still you can call our phone, but it will direct you to our nominated after-hours service (DoctorDoctor) or you can directly call them on 13 26 60. Bulk billed telehealth consults or home visits where appropriate are available by DoctorDoctor, where a patient holds a valid Medicare or Department of Veteran affairs card.

If you require URGENT medical attention, please call 000 or present to the Emergency Department. The closest emergency hospitals are:

Austin Hospital: 145 Studley Road, Heidelberg, VIC 3084. Tel: (03) 9496 5000
Box Hill Hospital: 8 Arnold St, Box Hill, VIC 3128. Tel: 1300 342 255

First Nation Acknowledgement

Med1 Clinic acknowledges that our General Practice is located on the lands of many Traditional Custodians in Victoria, and we welcome all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to this practice. We recognise that Indigenous Australians have an ongoing connection to the land and MED1 Clinic values their unique contribution to the wider community. According to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and 15 National Health Practitioner Boards and in line with national medical standards, codes and guidelines across all our clinic has a shared commitment to ensuring that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have access to health services that are culturally safe and free from racism so that they can enjoy a healthy life, equal to that of other Australians, enriched by a strong living culture, dignity and justice.


Med1 Clinic gives you a quick access to world-class, experienced GPs, allied health professionals and specialists who are passionate about the health and wellbeing of our patients.

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